Best Ticketing Proxies

Looking for the best deals for tickets online?

Our proxy servers will help you to get access to ticketing websites with the ultimate offers in the market.
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Best Ticketing Proxies

Main Reasons to Choose our Proxies for Buying Tickets Online

Compatibility. When you buy ticketing proxies from us, you can be 100% sure that you will be able to use them with practically all bots and inside custom-made scripts. No matter if you use our proxies for buying concert or airline tickets through aggregators, you will be able to copy and paste the proxy credentials right into the bot to complete the deal for you.

Reliability. We constantly test our ticket proxies on thousands of use cases with a great success rate. The pools of underperforming proxies get immediately removed from our plans and are replaced with proxies meeting high performance standards for speed and connectivity.

Great selection of residential proxies. When you look for a proxy for getting tickets in most cases it would be a geo specific residential IP that will do the business for you. Below you will find some of the most common geo proxies that you can choose from. And, of course, we welcome you to talk to our account managers for any specific location or country if you cannot find it in the list.

User-friendly dashboard panel. You will be able to monitor and control all of your proxy activities from a very convenient user interface. Your proxy list will always be at your fingertips ready to be activated.

All-in-all, please think of us as your ultimate tickets proxy provider who is always online to help you secure the best deals on the most popular ticket aggregators out there.


Proxies for Tickets

Datacenter Staticstarting from$9/month

Unmatched DC proxies from the fastest locations across the planet.
We support most DC proxy applications out there at very affordable prices.
When you buy our DC private proxies we also guarantee round-the-clock support from our team of technical experts.

  • Instant Activation

  • 1 Free Swap a Month

  • Unlimited Connections

  • Any Purpose

  • Unmetered Bandwidth

  • Multiple Locations

  • Free trial

Residential Staticstarting from$5/month

Buy our super fast yet reliable residential private proxies with sticky IP sessions tested on major IP check bases.
We feature multiple locations for your specific country or application requirements.

  • Instant Activation

  • 1 Free Swap a Month

  • Unlimited Connections

  • Any Purpose

  • Unmetered Bandwidth

  • Multiple Locations

  • Free trial

Ultimate Proxies for Ticket Scalping

If you are looking for ways to buy multiple tickets online with huge discounts, you can totally rely on our proxy servers booking tickets for you.

  • Airline Tickets

    Airline Tickets

  • Concert Tickets

    Concert Tickets

  • Ticketmaster


Why you should choose PrivateProxy

  • Wide Pool of Ticket Proxies

    We offer a wide selection of proxy IPs from the most demanded locations for buying tickets online. Our proxy network is constantly expanding to include more areas and countries. If you happen to have any specific geo and speed requirements for our proxies, please let us know to form a tailor-made proxy set for you.

    Wide Pool of Ticket Proxies
  • 24/7 Tech Support

    When you buy tickets with proxies online, you definitely need to rely on the IPs and their quality. With our round-the-clock support we will make sure that you have minimum problems setting up and deploying the proxies to finally get the deals you want.

    24/7 Tech Support
  • Best Value for Your Money

    When you use a proxy to buy tickets you don’t want to overpay on the proxy itself to justify the whole operation. We totally get it and price our top performing proxies accordingly. We go an extra mile researching the market to offer the best deal for you.

    Best Value for Your Money

If your company needs proxy servers for tickets in bulk numbers, please contact us directly for our special proxy offering.

Top Locations


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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our Documentation if you have questions that are not listed below.

  • What is a ticket or ticketing proxy?

    It is a proxy that helps you buy tickets online on websites like Ticketmaster. It resolves the issues of buying multiple tickets for a concert or an event. Also, you can use such a proxy for buying air tickets with a discount.

  • Is it safe to buy all my ticket proxies from the same provider?

    Yes, of course. Once you establish a long-term relationship with your provider you can move all of your proxy business to one account. But make sure you are happy with tech support, proxy management interfaces and dashboards and the quality of IPs.

  • What type of proxy do I need to buy multiple tickets online?

    Normally, ticket proxies are residential proxies with high levels of anonymity to avoid getting banned on the most popular ticket aggregators equipped with antibot systems. Only such proxies let you override geo restrictions and obtain tickets from multiple accounts on such services.

  • Can I expect ticket proxies to get cheaper if I buy them in bulk?

    Absolutely. Most providers will gladly offer you a bulk discount if you request it. But before you buy ticket proxies in bulk, make sure you are happy with the quality of proxies that you are expecting to buy. Test a small batch for an extended period of time to make sure that the proxies meet your performance expectations.

Ready to Proceed with our Ticket Proxies?