A lot of times people tend to confuse web crawling with scraping. And, although these two activities are somewhat similar in nature there is still a significant difference between them that deserves an article in our blog to explain it in detail.
We can certainly understand your feelings when your online scraping mission finishes abruptly generating some number similar to an http error code. Is it something wrong with your default settings or the proxy itself? Normally, such errors occur if the proxies are mismanaged and knowing the meaning of the error will prompt you for the solution to such a specific problem.
The market of rare sneakers is constantly growing. This creates more and more demand for the most wanted footwear from collectors, athletes and resellers who use all the technological potential the Internet has to offer in order to cop the most coveted sneakers.
In our articles we often try to give you a better view at how proxies operate by juxtaposing various proxies by their types. These articles serve two purposes: educational and economical. We want you to be able to make a more thoughtful choice when selecting one type of proxies versus another, when you decide to apply proxies for your online operations.
Any business depends on reliable leads. Qualified leads are essential for generating sales and therefore revenue for any company. Marketing departments everywhere are busy constantly updating their databases of prospective clients that may generate future sales. Such databases normally contain all essential information about companies (location of offices, the contact information of decision-makers, etc.), including the likelihood of dealing with the prospects in the future.
When you deal with proxies on a daily basis it is useful to have a range of tools at your disposal that will help you in testing proxies and running simple missions. One of such tools is cURL. It is an easy-to-use and intuitive command-line tool meant to help you in using proxies. With cURL you can send requests, debug and set up proxies - all from the command line.
There are numerous varieties and shapes of proxies available. We will examine every significant aspect of backconnect proxies in this article. These proxies come in handy for people or businesses who need to use web scraping tools, monitor rival websites, or get around internet restrictions. Let's look at all of the details about backconnect proxies.