Facebook Ads Scraper
Daniel Tarasov
Daniel Tarasov Published: 2024/12/24

Facebook, for a long time, proved to be one of the most useful platforms for all kinds of scraping activities. Collecting data about ads on this platform can also turn out to be extremely useful for different kinds of businesses. Let’s look at how to launch such a project and how proxies can help in this process. 

What is Facebook Page Ads Scraper?

Facebook Ads Scraper can be referred to as the special tool designed for collecting extensive amounts of data from the ad placements or Facebook pages. For example, you can take a peek at ad spending and current revenue. 

You can try to collect the same information with the regular scraping tools, but the specially designed options will bring the best result with the least amount of involvement from your side. Keep in mind that any kind of scraping will require you to use a proxy in the system. For example, you can use a powerful datacenter proxies option to collect the most of the available information to you without any harshness. 

What Facebook Pages Ads Data Can I Extract?

The current solution allows you to collect almost any of the needed information from the Facebook ads. First of all, you can gather text data and pictures directly from the post. Then you are also able to get your hands on reach estimates, time stamps, and CTA type. Some of the more advanced tools can also provide support for collecting data like ad spending, publishers platforms and reports count. 

With the right set of tools, you also will be able to collect data from different markets spread across the world. To make this possible, you need to use proxies based on the interests of your countries. For example, you can try residential proxies with strong geo-targeting possibilities. This way, you will be able to collect all of the data from most of the popular markets without a burden. The same way, you can target several markets at the same time to compare the results in the end and check how some trends are spreading across the world. 

Why Scrape Facebook Page Ads?

There can be a number of reasons for you to look closely at the parameters and contents of the Facebook ads. 

First of all, you can use this information for detailed competitor intelligence. You can check their current target audience, ad spending, view and encounter count, along with other data like the content of the posts, URLs, etc. A combination of these inputs can grant a deep look at the positions of your competitors on the market regarding Facebook. 

The same way, you can use scrapers for market research and trend analytics. With a video sample of the market positions in your hands, you can build the map of the current hot spots and find new niches or gaps for your business to fit in and fill. With the power of the right scraper and private proxy server in your project, you can make a full-time tool for market analysis. 

How Do I Use Facebook Ads Scraper?

Most of the scraper solutions designed for this task are using the Python libraries and support the API integrations. So the initial setup should not be tricky. 

Keep in mind that most of the available scrapers require you to use the proxy servers. For the sake of scraping Facebook ads, you can use the static residential proxies to get the most from the ads available to you. For some other use cases, rotating proxies can also prove themselves worthy. 


Scrapers of Facebook Ads usually take the direct link on an ad or targeted page as the input. Keep in mind that long ad links can be found at the Facebook Ad Library. Before using this link, you also need to include the amount of scrolls per page and other important parameters of the ad. The zero scroll setting will return an initial set of ads. Remember that Facebook has limits for ads per page, so this is also a thing to remember beforehand. But even with these limitations, you should be able to collect almost all, if not all, of the needed information.

Output Sample

In most cases, results of your scraping activity will be wrapped in one JSON file. Usually, it is also possible to transform this document into an Excel, HTML or XML table for more comfortable use. With this data on hand, you will be able to conduct a successful  analysis of any collected information. 

Keep in mind that scraping is always related to risks of being banned or flagged in the process. To be sure that your scraping activity won’t get stopped, you can use a proxy for Facebook. This way, your real IP address will be blocked, and even if you get flagged, you can simply change the address to a new one and resume the scraping. For example, you can use datacenter rotating proxies and get the best performance parameters across all of the time you utilize them. 

How Many Results Can You Scrape With Facebook Ads Scraper?

Usually scrapers of Meta Ads can return hundreds if not thousands of results in regular conditions. But keep in mind that Facebook pages can have lots of different parameters that can affect the scraping efficiency. So if you are looking at collecting data from more tricky or large-sized ad, you can definitely face some kinds of slowdowns. Generally, your result will be over hundreds of responses with the basic parameters. Keep in mind that in some cases Facebook can impose mandatory limits for daily data collection, and any scraper won’t be able to overcome these limitations. But even with this limitation, you usually should not have serious problems with collecting data needed to you at the moment. 

Is it Legal to Scrape Facebook Ads Data?

For the most part, advertisements do not contain any personal information, so scraping of this kind is completely legal and ethical for the most part. But at the same time, you should double-check the information that you are scrape Facebook ads library or any other data. In some rare cases, you can be faced with some portion of the personal information in the ads. So, ultimately it is best to make a final check for any of this data. The same goes for legal risks; in some cases, companies can have extra legal activity and make a hustle from small things. It is best to also clarify this kind of risk beforehand.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our Documentation if you have questions that are not listed below.

  • What are the benefits of the Facebook Ads scraping?

    With the Facebook Ads scraping tool in your hands, you will be able to collect almost any type of data about common ads on this platform. In other words, you can conduct an analysis and keep an eye on constant market changes.

  • What are the best proxies for scraping Facebook Ads?

    You can utilize many different kinds of proxy servers for Facebook Ads scraping. In most cases you can start with regular residential proxies and adjust your parameters as you go.

  • How proxies can help in Facebook Ads scraping?

    Proxy is an essential part of any kind of scraping. With the proxy in your setup, you will be able to perform almost any kind of data collection without risks of being blocked or flagged in the process.

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