10 Best Rotating Proxies
Gleb Lepeshkin
Gleb Lepeshkin Published: 2023/09/01

One of the first thoughts while using multiple IPs would be: How do I optimize my use of proxies from the current pool without manual hassle? And that’s where rotating proxies will come to help you. With special rotation mechanisms on the side of the proxy provider, you will be able to have a new IP upon each new request to the target site or after a certain timeframe. 

A lot of proxy providers supply such IP rotating tools and some of the industry leaders have excelled in this service. This article includes the list of Top 10 of such rotating proxy providers, indicating the main characteristics of proxies they have to offer. We have listed the use cases featured by each company and revealed some pricing info for you to differentiate between expensive and cheap private rotating proxies. 

What is a Rotating Proxy?

A rotating proxy is a proxy-powered mechanism of a provider meant to assist you with automatic or semi-automatic swapping of IPs during all sorts of web scraping missions. The main purpose of a rotating proxy is to save you time and effort while accessing a website (a social media platform, e-commerce site, or a search engine). Having your IPs changed periodically means fewer Captcha encounters and IP bans.  

Sometimes, such proxies are also referred to as backconnect IPs, since the pool of your IPs is made accessible via a special backconnect gateway server of your provider. 

In order to create rotating proxies, providers use datacenter, residential proxies or even mobile IPs. But in most cases, we can see either datacenter rotating proxies or residential rotating IPs in a variety of use cases. The rotating DC proxies are used when you scrape data from sites with less sophisticated antibot systems (usually very popular websites), and rotating residential proxies are your perfect choice for search engines and highly protected sneaker shops or travel aggregators.  

Criteria for Consideration

When choosing a rotating proxy you should pay attention to a number of things that will mean more efficient scraping in the long run. 

And again, if you are not sure about any of the following proxy parameters, go to your account manager without any hesitation to learn if this rotating proxy solution would be the right choice in your particular case. 

  1. Choosing the proxy type. Think about using more affordable datacenter rotating proxies on sites with less protected access and residential rotating IPs on targets requiring geo-based IP positioning and/or having antibot systems.    
  2. Pool size. Generally you will have a better chance of success with vast pools of IPs to choose from. But you have to be careful here, since with some cheap shared rotating proxies from some providers you may end up with exposing IPs from a previously banned subnet, leading to a ban on the whole pool. 
  3. Rotation parameters and sticky sessions. Check out the dashboard of your provider to make sure that you understand how to set the required period of rotations and sticky sessions for keeping the same IP while handling multiple accounts or filling out online forms. 
  4. Unlimited threads. Make sure you understand the concurrency parameters offered by your provider. The higher the number of threads of rotating proxies, the faster your scraping will be performed.  

The Best Rotating Proxy Services of 2023

And now, let’s find out the top proxy providers willing to go an extra mile in supplying you with the ultimate proxy solutions based on IP rotation mechanisms. 

1. PrivateProxy.

In the world of proxies PrivateProxy is famous for two things: it’s unmatched tech support and proprietary proxy rotating mechanism that features all the options you may need in having your IPs properly rotated. 

You can choose from residential and datacenter rotating proxies here and the IPs will be perfect for a whole range of well-documented use cases from general web or SERP scraping to copping sneakers online.

With the rotating mechanism accessible from your profile (proxy dashboard), you will be able to set instant rotations (each new request will get you a new IP from the pool) or adjust your sticky sessions to keep the same IP from just one second to a year!

Main features: 

Great selection of IPs including one of the best residential proxies and datacenter proxy pools coupled with industry-level tech support and easy-to-use and set up rotating dashboard. 


Datacenter rotating proxies: starting from $59 per month 

Residential rotating proxies: starting from $150 per month 

2. Oxylabs

As a major player in the industry, Oxylabs has a whole kit and caboodle or proxy-related and powered tools to offer to its customers. Among which is its rotating ISP proxies based on residential and datacenter IPs. These servers are fast and furious and can be described as cheap backconnect rotating proxies per IP if you decide to really invest into them.  

The performance figures demonstrated by the provider are impressive: fast response time and top success rate around 99% on some extensive projects, making these servers one of the best proxies for web scraping

The company mostly targets large corporate clients. And they totally benefit from dedicated account managers and lower plan fees when buying IPs in bulk. This, unfortunately, also means that your proxy package would be a bit pricey if you are a small business or an individual.

Main features: 

Any types of rotating IPs (residential, datacenter and mobile) for large corporate clients. Well-documented tools and APIs with dedicated support. 


Residential rotating proxies: starting from $340 per month (with 20 GB traffic)

3. Bright Data

Bright Data has all possible bells and whistles when it comes to rotating proxies of all sorts and kinds. Residential proxies. Check. ISP and one of the best datacenter proxies. Check. Mobile proxies. Check. So, Bright Data is clearly one of the best rotating proxies services providers in the industry so far. 

What is more important, these proxies are easily manageable via its own Proxy Manager tool. You can scale up your proxy use at any point and pay-as-you-go. Some find this type of plan confusing but it is a matter of habit. 

What is really challenging in working with the provider is the fact that you need to validate your mission requirements before they allocate you a pool of IPs that you need. Such a ‘Know Your Customer’ policy may be somewhat frightening for some proxy users. 

Main features: 

Reliable and fast rotating proxies of all types from a company with strict KYC checks.   


Residential rotating proxies: starting from $15 for 1 GB (customizable plans)

4. Smartproxy 

Smartproxy is a very well-balanced provider, offering one of the best rotating residential proxies, mobile and even shared DC rotating IPs. And these products will not cost you a fortune either, meaning that you can get rather cheap rotating proxies with high quality of support. But again, if you go for a traffic-based plan, your expenses can easily go up rapidly. 

By committing to any rotating proxy plan by Smartproxy, you will have access to the whole pool of IPs available to this plan. You will also benefit from unlimited threads on such pools and well-documented APIs for integrating your proxies with bots and other tools. 

As for the quality of IPs, the proxies here demonstrate very good performance in terms of success rate and fast response. You can set sticky sessions up to 30 minutes easily here and enjoy handling multiple accounts on social media. 

Main features: 

Overriding anti-bot traps is made easy with rotating proxies from Smartproxy. Watch out for traffic-based plans if you want to stay within your budget.


Residential rotating proxies: starting from $8.5 for 1 GB

5. Webshare 

Webshare is all about simplicity. Its customers can sign up for rotating proxies and get the IPs listed in a form of a table. Then, they can use the provider’s free tool for rotations. This applies to all proxies from the provider, making it a company with one of the best rotating residential proxies in the industry. 

Just think about the figures: pools encompassing 30 million IPs covering 195 locations. On the plus side (and for some novice users it can be viewed as a downside), the provider is all about the self-service. You will be given the lists of IPs and you will be able to customize your plan from there on. 

As for the rotation mechanism, you only get a free IP rotation with a new IP on each session. No sticky sessions are available here. 

And as for the prices, you can get rather cheap rotating residential proxies here, as long as you don’t apply for extra features (like network prioritization) that will cost a premium.  

Main features: 

Affordable rotating residential IPs with self-service that would be really appealing for hardcore proxy users.


Residential rotating proxies: starting from $15 for 1 GB

6. Rayobyte

Formerly known as Blazing SEO, Rayobyte claims to be one of the largest US-based rotating proxy suppliers in the industry. Its rotating IPs cover the most demanded locations in the US including New York, Miami and LA. 

The ISP proxies that make up the rotating proxy pools are ethically sourced from 6 major Internet Service Providers to ensure a multitude of IPs to choose from. 

As for the rotation mechanism, Rayobyte has some limitations here mainly because you are bound to set time-based rotations only. So, no automatic selection of a new IP from the subnet available here. 

On the plus side, the company’s best rotating proxies can be yours for as low as $11 a month. Making the offer rather appealing to small businesses and individuals. 

Main features: 

Good selection of ISP rotating proxies at affordable rates. The provider normally targets the US market.


ISP rotating proxies: starting from $11 per month

7. Geonode

Geonode specializes in supplying rotating residential IPs from countries where it’s very hard to get a reliable proxy service (such as China and Iran). Its overall pool of IPs with rotation is over 2 million available in 130 locations. This is not record-breaking but still impressive and can be successfully used for a variety of purposes from lead generation to buying sneakers online. 

The dashboard of Geonode is super handy even for novice proxy users. On the other hand, the APIs are also well-written and documented, so that technically advanced users will be able to integrate the proxy products into their scripts in no time. 

As far as plans, you have here a monthly option with limited traffic and 10 threads for $47 to start from. You can grow from there with your customizable plan features by contacting the account manager of Geonode.

Main features: 

Provider with some exotic and demanded locations of residential IPs for rotation to choose from. Cool dashboard for convenient proxy management.


Residential rotating proxies: starting from $47 per month

8. Proxyrack

Proxyrack is yet another solid middle range proxy provider with a relatively average-size pool of IPs (around 2 million addresses from 140 locations) and affordable pricing policy. 

As for the quality of proxies, here you can get IPs on HTTP(S) and SOCKS protocols without a hint of shared IPs. The company positions itself as a provider of clean private proxies. Each IP address is ethically sourced via the P2P apps of Proxyrack, where regular individual users confirm their willingness to provide their IPs to be used for proxying by the customers of Proxyrack. 

Of course, all that relates to residential rotating proxies. The company also offers datacenter rotating plans where the IPs are sourced from various data centers. 

And coming back to the price on Proxyrack’s rotating residential IPs, the starter plans will cost you only $80 per month for a plan with unlimited bandwidth. Other premium plans from the provider will include per GB charges. 

Main features: 

Middle range rotating proxy provider with ethically sourced IPs and affordable pricing policy.


Residential rotating proxies: starting from $80 per month subscription

9. Netnut 

Although Netnut is considered a rather new player in the proxy arena, the reputation of the company precedes it. The provider is very concerned about its image in the eyes of the proxy users and caters to them the products that they can be absolutely confident about. 

With rotating proxies, you will find here only the solutions based on the company’s residential IPs. And the pools of Netnut are really impressive. You can choose from 52 million IPs here with an auto-rotating mechanism from 200 geo locations. The servers are super fast and guarantee yoo virtual zero blocks during scraping. There is no rerouting through US proxies, ensuring even higher anonymity. 

The use cases advertised by Netnut include but are not limited to SEO monitoring, price and ad verification, marketing intelligence and so on. In all such missions, you will be guaranteed a high level of success. And to make you even more confident, the company is ready to offer a 7 day trial period for you to try out the IPs. 

The rotation mechanism of Netnut is rather sophisticated and allows changing the use of proxies from rotating to static on the go. But this feature is not for novice proxy users, since the risk of banning static residential proxies is much higher than with rotating proxies. 

Main features: 

Great selection of super fast rotating residential IPs with unique rotating features and high success rate. 


Residential rotating proxies: starting from $300 per month subscription

10. SOAX 

With SOAX you can always order your package of premium residential or one of the best rotating mobile proxies. The pool of IPs is rather large here and the provider promises great location coverage even on the ASN level. 

As for the rotation mechanism, you would benefit from having some preset rotation intervals (from 1 minute to 60 minutes) or a newly assigned IP upon each new request.

The proxy performance of SOAX is on a par with the market leaders like Oxylabs and the pricing plans include limited ports (thread limits), which makes the proxy use rather inconvenient. 

Main features: 

Reliable provider with a good selection of rotating residential IPs and mobile proxies. Some limitations as far as the number of concurrent connections are possible.  


Residential rotating proxies: starting from $99 for 8 GB (paid trial period available).

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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our Documentation if you have questions that are not listed below.

  • What information did you use to make this list of Top 10 rotating proxy providers?

    We have studied the experience of rotating proxy users and their feedback on various websites. We have also considered the opinions of our own customers, buying rotating IPs. Finally, we have researched a range of open sources on this subject. All of this was put together to make the final decision of what companies to include into this list of Top 10 rotating proxy providers.

  • What is one common trait among the top rotating proxy providers in your list?

    It is the combination of the proxy selection in the pools of IPs, ease-of-use of the rotation mechanism from the dashboard, and the level and promptness of the tech support team of the provider.

  • What kind of proxy product or feature can make a proxy provider excel over others in the rotating IP business?

    In order to differentiate from the crowd, companies carefully listen to the needs of their clientele to supply exactly what is required during extensive web scraping sessions involving rotating IPs. Based on these requirements they tweak their offering to match the expectations and needs of the users. Hence, if you are known for having, say, ultra premium residential or mobile IPs, your proxy rotating mechanism would revolve around those (no pun intended).

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