How to Use Proxy in Scrapy
Artur Cheremisin
Artur Cheremisin Published: 2024/03/28

Website scraping has become more in demand recently due to its propensity to make extensive information available. This information can encompass images, stock prices, sports stats, and companies, among numerous others. Such information can come in handy in enabling you to conduct different types of research, content aggregation, and monitoring public opinion.

Scraping data from sites can be quite a task, and specialized platforms like Scrapy can help. This article discusses how to set up proxies in Scrapy, modify spiders, and verify if your custom proxy works seamlessly.

How to set up a Scrapy project?

First, ensure you install Python correctly before taking the next step. You can also check options for using Ruby as your main language for these tasks. But, back at the Python, you can do that using pip, Python’s packaging manager, by running the following command in your command prompt or terminal.

“Pip install Scrapy” (Please don’t include the quotation marks).

Now, you can create a new project. Once you’ve installed Scrapy, run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

Scrapy startproject project_name

You can replace the last element, “project name,” with the name of your choice. Once done, you can move around your project and explore the interface using the ‘cd’ command.

How Do You Modify a Spider to Scrape Desired Data?

Spiders are the classes or scripts you create to define how a particular website should be scraped. Spiders are the core components of Scrapy and are responsible for fetching web pages, extracting data from them, and possibly following links to other pages to continue the scraping process.

If you want to scrape a website, it helps define how you want it to be. These spiders are among the core components of Scrapy, and their primary role is to fetch web pages before extracting information from them. They usually get into a continuous process of following links to other pages as they continue scrapping other pages.

In Scrapy, spiders are configured to begin crawling from specific start URLs, and parsing rules are set to determine how data should be extracted from the web pages, utilizing XPath or CSS selectors. Spiders then define extraction best method for specific data elements like text, links, and images and can be programmed to follow links within pages for comprehensive data collection. Subsequently, extracted data undergoes processing or cleaning procedures before storage or export, and spiders also manage error handling, addressing timeouts, connection issues, or HTTP errors encountered during the scraping process

Setting Up Proxies in Scrapy

Use the following essential steps to install a Scrapy set proxy for scraping.

Install Proxy Middleware: Scrapy doesn’t have built-in proxy support, but you can use third-party middleware like scrapy-proxies to integrate proxy rotation into your Scrapy project. You can install it via pip:

Pip install scrape-proxies

Configure Middleware: Once installed, you must configure the proxy middleware in your Scrapy project settings. Open your ‘’ file and add the following configurations:


‘scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.httpproxy.HttpProxyMiddleware’: 1,

‘scrapy_proxies.RandomProxy’: 100,

‘scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.retry.RetryMiddleware’: 110,


PROXY_LIST = ‘/path/to/proxy/list.txt’ # Path to your proxy list file

From here, you can replace ‘/path/to/proxy/list.txt’ with the proxy list file.

Create Proxy List: Create a text file containing your proxy list. Each line should contain a proxy IP address, a colon, and the port number. If you find it fit, please adjust the retry middleware settings.

How Do You Verify If Your Custom Proxy Is Working?

To verify if your custom proxy works, test it by accessing a website while connected to the proxy. Use online tools like “WhatIsMyIP” or “” to confirm that your IP address matches the proxy IP. Additionally, ensure the website recognizes the proxy location.

Using Rotating Proxies for Scrapy

Using rotating proxies in Scrapy involves integrating middleware like ‘scrapy-proxies’ to cycle through a list of proxies for each request, preventing IP bans and enhancing anonymity. Configure the middleware to randomly select proxies from a proxy list, typically stored in a text file. This setup ensures that Scrapy rotates through different IP addresses, optimizing web scraping efficiency and circumventing restrictions imposed by websites.

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Scrapy can effortlessly help you obtain vast amounts of data from the internet. However, it’s best to understand that some restrictions may exist, blocking access to specific data collection. Thankfully, proxies always come in handy, giving you the anonymity you need while allowing you to access every corner of the web.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our Documentation if you have questions that are not listed below.

  • What is Scrapy known and used for?

    Scrapy is a web scraping tool that can mine vast amounts of data from the internet. That includes images, stock prices, and sports stats that help with research and other activities.

  • Does Google allow scraping?

    Google's terms of service prohibit scraping without permission, but they offer APIs for accessing specific data within their guidelines.

  • Why are proxies essential when using Scapy?

    Proxies help mask your identity by hiding or assigning new IP addresses when using Scrapy. That enables you to scrap through websites that restrict specific IP addresses.

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