How to Use Google as an SSL Proxy
Daniel Tarasov
Daniel Tarasov Published: 2023/10/02

As time goes, the Internet becomes a more and more regulated place. Users today are way more limited in actions than at the dawn of the Internet. Authorities around the world put efforts to restrict piracy and protect content online every day, and even your workplace or school can have additional restrictions. With all these trends, people often found themselves forced to find a way to access one or another site. Surprisingly, you can find tools to solve these tasks in Google services. This article will cover the topic of Google services as proxies and provide instructions on how to use Google as an SSL proxy.

How to Use Google As a Proxy

Some platforms on the Internet, like YouTube, may block access to some of the content based on your location at the time, or to prevent breaking of copyright laws. Authorities can easily block access to sites and pages in certain areas, based on local legislation. More than this, even public school or workplace networks can block connections that are powered with the needed certificate. Your HTTP with TCP  or HTTPS with TLS  connections might be blocked for so many reasons that methods for bypassing become necessary.

One of the ways might involve use of the private proxy solutions. The first thing you would look for in that case will be services that claim to provide free proxies. But in most cases, solutions like this put your personal data at danger. 

Basically, proxies can work as the bridge that helps your device to get indirect access to blocked sites. So with free and other kinds of shady proxies, your personal information will always be put in danger. In other words, you won’t have any guarantees that your data won’t be stolen and used in reverse against you. In the worst case scenario, your device might be infected with malware and that could have much worse consequences. 

If you are planning to make use of a proxy server in everyday tasks or in any sensitive scenarios, it is better to take time and select carefully. For handy daily use try to buy residential proxies and get a pass to any needed site at any time while staying secure. 

Some of the free proxy servers can be a secure enough solution. For example, if you use Google as an SSL proxy, you can stay protected. This can be a good emergency tool, to use when you don’t have any other option, but for daily use this will be troublesome. In this article, we will cover the guide for two main methods when you can use Google as Proxy for SSL access. 

For your Internet provider, connection with Google sites will look like a regular browsing session. But in reality, you can look through and use most of the needed content, while staying off radar. Alternatively, try to use a datacenter rotating proxy, to get access to any needed site fast and comfortably. 

Using Google Translate as a Proxy

First option in using Google cloud and regular services as a proxy would be Google Translate. This service has a feature that can provide you a way to open and browse through almost any page you need. Plus, you can translate information on site with built-in tools. 

To start your setup, open the Translate page and paste or write the full URL of the needed site. After this, choose any language that differs from page one and click the “Original” option at the top right corner. 

This feature of the site can help you to open almost any site on the Internet. These settings might not be suitable for everyday work, but in case of emergency, Google can cover you. Alternatively, consider utilizing a datacenter proxy for stable connection to any site, whenever you need it. 

Using Google Mobilizer as a Proxy

The second approach in using Google as proxy involves Google Weblight. This service was created for performing data saving tasks and optimization sites for faster and stable loads. Weblight is used by Google Chrome browser for modifying pages code, to make it lightweight and easy to work with from any device. 

Weblight is helpful for slow and old devices or in cases of network malfunctions. With Weblight you can load even the heaviest sites in seconds, while saving all the main content accessible. This technology also can be used to browse blocked and restricted sites in your area.

Keep in mind that Weblight can face some problems when loading site components. Plus, not all the pages can be transcoded or configured this way. But in most situations, you will be able to go and use the web sites normally, with all the main content intact. To start using Weblight as the proxy, copy this URL Change the “example” at the end of the link to the needed site and open it. This feature is more than enough for looking through basic data on the site, in an emergency case. For handy and stable work with blocked sites you can try to use a set of static residential proxies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our Documentation if you have questions that are not listed below.

  • How can Google services work as proxies?

    You can use some of the Google services as proxy sites to get access to blocked sites. In this case, your connection will be redirected through a Google service to the site you originally need to see. On the Internet provider side, it will look like you are just browsing through Google.

  • What sites can I access through the Google services proxies?

    You can try to get access to any wanted site, but this solution may not work in some cases. Some Internet providers or workspaces might have more advanced blocking systems, to prevent bypassing. Or you can face an incorrect display of the content on the page. But in most cases you should be able to use the site normally.

  • What Google services can be used as proxies?

    You can use Google Translate or Weblight as the proxy sites. Both of these pages allow you to redirect traffic and get access to blocked sites.

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