How to Use Residential Proxies
Daniel Tarasov
Daniel Tarasov Published: 2024/04/11

At Private Proxy, you can purchase a residential type of proxy with IP addresses that belong to real households. This IP is assigned by the regular ISPs, so in the end, your address will look completely legitimate and clean. In this guide, we will talk about all of the basic settings and learn how to use residential proxies.

How to Set Up Residential Proxy Servers

You can set up residential proxies on almost any device with several easy steps. First of all, you need to purchase your proxy server and find credentials for connection at the PrivateProxy dashboard. 

With this information in hand, you can proceed to set up your server. To start, let’s see what is a residential proxy and how to manage residential VPN, proxy, or datacenter proxy settings on desktop computers. In this example, we will setup a proxy on Windows 11, but the settings for Mac OS or the basic types of Linux OS will be almost the same. More than this, there is also no difference between datacenter and residential proxy setup processes.

To add a residential proxy to your Windows system, first you need to open the settings app and find the network settings tab. There, you should be able to find a proxy settings option. Press the “Set Up” button and add all the credentials needed for the connection. Alternatively, you can use a ready-made script or the automatic setup option. Now you can press the save button and check if your IP address is changed to one of the servers. With this setup, you can start using a residential proxy for online games or modify your setup to begin using residential proxy for online surveys or any other specific tasks.

In a similar way, you can manage the settings of the data center or static residential proxy on your mobile devices. The basic setup for system proxy on Android and iOS devices will look pretty much the same. First, you need to open your settings app and find the network that you are currently using. Go to the settings of the active internet connection and scroll down to the menu of proxy settings. Keep in mind, that on mobile devices, proxies can be used only with Wi-Fi connections. There, you can add the credentials needed for connection to the server. Now you should click the save button and check if your device has changed its IP address. You can see your IP address and check if a proxy is residential with the help of special IP tracking sites that can provide you with important data about your connection.

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How to Get Started With Residential Proxy Servers

You can test all of the possibilities of residential proxies with a set of basic requests through the terminal built into your system. The basic steps to start using dedicated residential proxy will look almost the same for both Windows, Mac OS, and Linux systems.  

After purchasing a residential rotating proxy or datacenter rotating proxy at your provider, you can send a curl request to the server and see what kind of parameters you are using right now. This way, you can see the proxy server address, port, and type. Then you can use IP checking tools and websites to compare your proxy address from terminal and results from other tools. If IPs is matching, then your setup is working normally. The same way, you can check the difference between ISP and residential proxy with the help of special sites designed to track connection details.

Response Codes: What are They?

You can face a number of problems when sending requests through the terminal. Luckily, terminal will provide you with a response with the code of the current problem. Let’s see what kinds of codes you can face most often.

The 400 code of error means a bad request overall. In other words, your system cannot parse HTTP requests. This error can indicate a general type of problem with your connection. 

The next 407 code stands for problems with proxy service authentication. This means that your request does not contain credentials for connection at all, or the provided information is incorrect.

Error code 500 stands for an internal server error with access. The 502 code means you are experiencing a bad gateway. In this situation, the IP address connected to your session is no longer available. 

The 522 error code means that your system faced a timeout. In other words, a proxy server cannot receive a response within the assigned time period. In this case, you need to repeat requests several times to see if the problem still appears. The last 525 code stands for “no exit found” type of error. This means the server cannot find the exit node needed for the current user request.

Using the Endpoint Generator

If you plan on integrating proxy in your scripts via API tools, you can also try to manage the list of your endpoints with special generators. This way, you can receive a list of endpoints based on your requested parameters. For example, you can get information about region, session and endpoint type, current authentication method, and other parameters.  

Usage Statistics

In the same manner, you can use statistic gathering tools to monitor the use of proxies purchased from one or different providers. For example, you can see how many requests you send and how much traffic was spent during rush hours. This information can also be exported to the needed formats for further analysis of how your servers uses traffic.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our Documentation if you have questions that are not listed below.

  • Which systems support proxy setup out of the box?

    Most of the modern operating systems, both desktop and mobile, have buit in support for proxy. This way, you can use proxies across most of your devices.

  • What kind of residential proxies should you use?

    You can use not only regular residential proxies, but also static and rotating ones. With static type, you will get a sticky session with the same IP, and the rotation function can provide you with constantly changing IP addresses.

  • How to setup a proxy only for the browser?

    Popular browser options have special extensions for managing proxies inside them. Alternatively, you can use desktop or mobile apps that will manage your traffic and reroute only browser connections.

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